Bringing Back the Curve

Corrective Care Plan for Cervical Curve Restoration

A corrective exercise program for loss of cervical lordosis focuses on restoring the natural C-shaped curvature of the cervical spine–the neck. This condition, often called “cervical kyphosis”, “Anterior Head Syndrome”, or “Tech Neck”, …

Should You Visit A Chiropractor After A Sport Injury?

If you’re athletic, you’re familiar with the demands of sports such as sprinting, jumping, and tackling. These exercises have the potential to result in painful tears, sprains, and injuries. However, visiting a chiropractor may help you recover from and prevent …

Knee Pain

Natural Solutions for Knee Pain

Knee Pain? Swelling? Stiffness? Clicking When You Walk or Run?

Knee problems affect people of all ages and can arise from injury, overuse, or due to underlying medical conditions. The most common signs and symptoms include pain, swelling, stiffness, redness, …