Car Accident Chiropractor

Recovery Tips After Being In Car Accident

Immediately after a car accident, you’ll likely experience whiplash-type symptoms, which can include neck and back pain, headaches, stiffness, fatigue, swelling and bruising, difficulty sleeping, and more.

So besides getting checked by an injury-trained doctor, preferably a Chiropractor, what

5 Ways to Conquer Tech Neck

Chances are, you’re reading this on your phone or laptop and are slouching in a less than ideal posture. (You just straightened yourself up just now, didn’t you? Good.)

Nowadays, our dependency on and overuse of technology, especially cell phones,

Sciatica: A Literal Pain in the Butt

What is sciatica?

Sciatica refers to pain caused by the sciatic nerve, the thickest nerve in the body.  It usually radiates/shoots from the lower back into the leg, often below the knee and into the foot. Sciatica is most common

The Pitfalls of Desk Jobs

Do you work at a “desk job”? Do you sit for more than a few hours each day? Are you working from home, in a less-than-perfect posture?

Chances are, you’re reading this on your laptop or phone, and are slouching …

A Layman’s Guide to Disc Injuries

It’s a gorgeous sunny day, you’re sitting in the car, top-down, minding your business and listening to Justin Bieber whine about the trials and tribulations of being a young, studly, handsome, world-famous millionaire, when you hear some screeching tires and...BOOM!

Should You Visit A Chiropractor After A Sport Injury?

If you’re athletic, you’re familiar with the demands of sports such as sprinting, jumping, and tackling. These exercises have the potential to result in painful tears, sprains, and injuries. However, visiting a chiropractor may help you recover from and prevent …

Knee Pain

Natural Solutions for Knee Pain

Knee Pain? Swelling? Stiffness? Clicking When You Walk or Run?

Knee problems affect people of all ages and can arise from injury, overuse, or due to underlying medical conditions. The most common signs and symptoms include pain, swelling, stiffness, redness, …

Got Foot or Ankle Pain? We Can Help!

As a Structural Chiropractor, I oftentimes see people with foot or ankle injuries and pain, many of them sports-related, but most of them directly linked to something that in many cases, gets overlooked by other chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopedists, and